Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Quality Vs Color

With the advent of personal desktop color printers and copiers many professional business people have chose to use low quality copy paper and printout their PDF file with their desk top printer. If you listen to all of the commercials, they will try to convince you that the quality that you receive is as good as anything that you can get at a professional digital printing business center. Nothing could be as far from the truth. Just ask yourself, if you drive a $5000 car do you really think that it will be as enjoyable as driving a $50,000 car? In many cases the difference is stark. Today I had the pleasure of meeting with a local area non-profit that has used desktop copiers to produce their associations marketing materials. While the information was useful, I could not understand how such a prestigious organization would allow itself to be presented with inferior marketing materials. The color copies bled with two colors, the paper was very low quality and did not hold the colors and the business card stock and folder was very thin making it feel cheap. While I realize that everyone is on a budget during these economic times, there is a cost of presenting yourself to customers with a poor professional image. Would you go to an interview with jeans? In the final analysis, make sure that your marketing materials represent you in the manner you wish to be represented.

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